Markus Hausmann

Address: Mathematisches Institut, Universität Bonn, Endenicher Allee 60, 53115 Bonn
Office: 1.006
Email: hausmann(at)
Secretary: K. Strehl-Müller, Room 2.004
Short CV
Algebraic topologist, member of the Bonn Topology group.

Bonn Topology Seminar

Master Thesis Seminar/Research Seminar Homotopy Theory


SS 2025:

  • Einführung in die Geometrie und Topologie (V2D1)
  • Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topology (S4D4): Tensor-triangular geometry [seminar program]
    Preliminary meeting and signup for the talks: January 28th, 10:15, Lipschitz Saal
  • Master Thesis Seminar/Research Seminar Homotopy Theory

WS 2024-25: no teaching (sabbatical)

Past teaching

Publications and preprints

From Jan. 2025 - Dec. 2029, my research will be supported by the ERC starting grant "BorSym: Bordism of Symmetries"
